The Best Place to Buy “Dirt Cheap Cars”


You want to buy a dirt cheap cars. Think about the junkyard. Seriously. Walk around the back lot until you see an automobile carcass that has been mouldering for a few years. Once you purchase dirt cheap, you will need to replace the battery, tires, hoses and fluids as well as a few other body parts such as doors and steering wheels. You can also buy it cheaply if you need.

Problem is, when people say dirt cheap cars, they really mean “Where can I find a good dirt-cheap car?”

My 17-year-long career has been spent buying and selling cars. I was an auctioneer, a car dealer, and part owner of an auto auction. Let me soul dog rescue give you an uncomfortable answer. It starts with the traditional places, which are the high-dollar beehives in retail, and then moves to the long forsaken places where you can get a great deal if your willing to learn and take the risk.

New Dirt Cheap Cars Dealership: The Worst Place

Buy your next used car at a dealership if you’re willing to spend money on skylights, marble floors and an army of underpaid workers.

Two reasons are why new car dealer prices are so high. They expect to be able to drive and deal with their used cars. Second, they have to pay for tons of overhead. A new dealership costs a lot. It costs a lot to operate a new car dealership.

Carmax isn’t dirt cheap to buy. Similar holds true for Vroom, Carmax and Shift.

It is a difficult balance. They have to pay the same overhead as new car dealerships, and shareholders and private investors.

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Dealers of Used Cars. Cash Only.

These places don’t finance vehicles. The windshields will show the cash prices and you’ll see that the dealerships with better records have been around for a while.

Used car dealers have as many access xtm racing to nice cars as big-name dealers without having to pay nearly as much overhead. They will often offer cash prices instead of asking for “$499 Down” and will typically spend less on reconditioning the vehicles in order to make them available for sale.